Jack Felt - Lower
Extra fine, high quality wool jack felt. This is an exact new replacement for worn jack felt.
This is the felt that comes in contact with the let-off capstan. Because of its constant contact with a metal part (which oxidizes overtime) this felt is prone to wear. Occasionally this felt is worn through, and very often is has a noticeable indentation where the capstan hits.
Extra fine, high quality wool jack felt. This is an exact new replacement for worn jack felt.
This is the felt that comes in contact with the let-off capstan. Because of its constant contact with a metal part (which oxidizes overtime) this felt is prone to wear. Occasionally this felt is worn through, and very often is has a noticeable indentation where the capstan hits.
Fresh felt here will improve feel, make let-off more accurate, and protect the jack.
In the drop down choose from the following:
Felt only - continuous piece - This will be one long piece of felt at the proper width. Enough material to do the entire keyboard
Felt only - pre-cut pieces - This is enough pre-cut pieces for the entire keyboard. Simply glue them in
Felt Kit - continuous - Same as the continuous piece above but includes glue and rubber bands to help installation.
Felt Kit - pre-cut pieces - Same as the pre-cut pieces above but includes glue and rubber bands to help installation.
For the red felt that goes on the upper portion of the jack felt, please see Jack Felt - Upper